Wenn sich die Jungs auf die Fresse legen – dann habe sie alle Spass, also die Zuschauer.
Take 396 steps, tight corners and slick stone and you’ve got the perfect combination for a crash-filled urban downhill race. When you add to that a four-cross style set-up there’s only one outcome. Crashes. Lots of crashes.
Red Bull Holy Ride takes place in Kyoto, Japan, and is held on the historic Iwashimizu Hachiman-gu Shrine, which was built to enshrine Hachiman, the God of War. A fitting location, especially when you see the carnage that ensues… Let battle commence!
Redbull hat da mal was nettes zusammengeschnitten und bitte:D
holy crashes and holy ride outtakes 2014
via redbull.com
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